For: the person whose heart is breaking right now…

Last week, I wrote a bold and unapologetic post to the man or woman who wants their perfectly restored marriage handed to them. And for the record, I stand by what I said, and I’m (still) not the least bit sorry about it.

But today, oh weary one, these words of compassion are for you.

You are not entitled like the person described last week, you are shattered. You’re not waiting on perfection, you’re waking up every morning, staring at the same spot on the wall, and begging God for a miracle. (You can’t hold on much longer if it doesn’t happen soon.)

For those of you whose heart is breaking today, I know if there was a base you could run to where you’d finally be safe, where you could escape for just a moment to catch your breath from the waves of heartache that keep you up all night, you’d run there no matter the distance.

For those – still waiting – on a spouse to get their act together, I know from experience if you could tie them to a chair and spoon feed them the-right-thing-to-do, you would. (but unfortunately, it isn’t logistical, or legal for that matter.)

But God told me to tell you something, heartbroken one: Your pain is seen, heard, and understood by a God who knows what He’s doing.

And you do not cry alone, today.


There’s a story told in the Gospel of John in which Mary and Martha lose something precious to them – their brother, Lazarus.

In their desperation they sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick and pleaded with Him to come. Yet upon hearing the news, Jesus did something surprising …absolutely Nothing!

John 11:5-6 says, “Although Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, he stayed where he was…”

Pause. Have you ever sent word for Jesus, begging him to come and do what only He can do, and upon hearing your prayer, felt that He did, well… nothing? (*Raising my hand.)

Mary felt the same way.

Overwhelmed with emotion we watch as Mary falls at Jesus’ feet, saying these familiar words, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died…”

And I believe she’s not the only breaking heart crying that prayer, today.

…Lord, if you had only been here my marriage wouldn’t have crumbled…my health wouldn’t have deteriorated…my life wouldn’t have imploded…

Lord, if you had only been here, maybe then, I wouldn’t have lost everything most precious to me…

God wants you to know that just because He stays where He is when we feel we need him the most, doesn’t mean He doesn’t love us. And just because He hasn’t shown up the way we envisioned, doesn’t mean He hasn’t heard our every prayer and have our deliverance planned.

Not only that, God wants you to know, He’s crying with you, today…

John 11:33,35 says , “When Jesus saw her weeping and saw the other people wailing with her, a deep anger welled within him, and he was deeply troubled …then Jesus wept.”

Don’t miss this, broken-hearted one: before the miracle, Jesus mourned. And that same God cries with you too, today, over everything you have lost.

Deep anger wells within him…when He sees the broken promises you’ve endured, and the scars you bear from your heart being trampled, mercilessly.

He’s deeply troubled…  watching as your most sought-after plans have derailed, obliterating every dream you had for the future and any trust you had in people, moving forward.

In Exodus 2:23-25 these beautiful words are as true for you today, as it was for the Israelites 3,000 years ago, it says, “Their cries for relief… ascended to God: God listened. God saw. God understood.”

God sees you, falling at His feet like Mary, defeated and writhing at the thought of all that is lost. He hears you, wailing and questioning where He was when your heart broke, and whether His plan for your life can be trusted moving forward.

And God understands how bad it hurts and how close you are to letting go.

Dear broken heart, there may be times when it feels God lets our most frantic and desperate calls go straight to voicemail, times when He allows us to take a few wobbly steps on our own, only for us to fall on our face before sweeping us up in His Sovereignty.

But though He might not come immediately, the God you are praying to, will arrive eventually. And when He does, the same power who breathed life back into Lazarus’ lunges will do the same in our spirits, in our marriages, and in the dreams we’ve given up believing could ever again be within our grasp.

But until then, God wanted me to remind you that you do not cry alone, today.

You are weeping with Jesus.

// 52 weeks to write, 31 more to go. //


Krista Ortiz








10 thoughts on “For: the person whose heart is breaking right now…”

  1. Thank you thank you thank you a million times thank you. Last weeks hurt. This helps. Thank God for every word you write. The hurtful and the helpful. Truth.


    1. Bev, from the bottom of my heart I am sorry those words stung you. Here’s the truth: if they stung, they weren’t for you. I have found that it’s the people that meet truth with indifference and arrogance, that the truth is usually intended for.

      But for you, Bev, and so many others, God sees the fight you have already fought and is speaking compassionately to you, today and always. ❤ Hope that helps.


  2. Last weeks post, though true, was very painful to one who has fought and believed, and sought the Lord for change and transformation not only of self but for mate as well, only to hear the words, “I want a divorce…” I am truly grateful to the Lord for the transforming power of His Spirit in the restoration and reconciliation of your marriage. I am also grateful the Lord spoke this weeks word that “He cries with me.” It is a healing balm to a heart today filled with deep sorrow and sadness and devastation of soul for broken dreams and promises . God has been faithful and will redeem all that has been stolen. He does truly make ALL things beautiful in His time. Thank you for this post. I continue to pray for you and your family.


  3. Hi again Krista,

    I am reading so many of your posts going back a few years. I just came across your blog a few weeks ago and your words speak to my heart.

    I am in that place where you speak about on this post. Calling and leaving messages on God’s voicemail and waiting on calls from Him that never seem to be returned. First, I’m hurt, then I’m angry. Then I consider just not praying anymore. I have a friend who told me yesterday that she is so disgusted because God ignores her prayers that she is not going to pray. She told me she cried out to Him, “Why won’t you help me?” I understand as I have cried that prayer for a long time myself. It seems every effort I make sends me spiraling backwards instead of forward.

    It’s such a struggle, oh, it’s a struggle! Some days I don’t even feel like getting out of bed and some days I just don’t. I admit sometimes I feel like a child that is not wanted by my Father. It’s not an easy life these days and I don’t feel like it’s getting any better. But I continue to pray ( even though I sometimes consider halting prayer because it’s not doing any good), because my biggest flaw is still a flicker of hope inside my heart. Though my faith is beaten down to mush, my heart just doesn’t want to give up. At least , not yet.

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    1. I see the spirit of David in you, misty. Who in the book of psalms is both known for crying out to god with questions and deep pain, but also is known for chasing after God’s heart through all the ups and downs. Believing – for you and for me – that we will stand in awe of God’s goodness and lavish love for us once again. Until then, keep clinging to him like David. I’ll be over here doing the same

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      1. Thank you from my heart, Krista. The spirit of David. That is truly the greatest compliment I have ever received. God bless you and your family.

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