I Quit (And Why You Should To!)


I am an above average quitter. In my years, I have quit a variety of things, not limited to cheerleading, playing the flute, couponing, and subscribing to Netflix. 4 times!

I have also quit Jillian Michael’s Level 2 more than I’d like to publicly admit, and am known to quit checking my voice mails once the number gets too high (…currently there are 9!)

I also semi annually (Read: Every other week) consider quitting writing. Like, forever.

But this last week I quit something I will never regret.

It started when I avoided a phone call from my dad.

I knew he was just checking up on me, but I literally COULD NOT talk about this any longer – Not about my problems, not about what I feel I should do in the future, and/or when I should do it… Notta! Even small talk was out of the question!

“That’s exactly why I need to talk to you,” he responded, “I have an idea…

He had my attention as he began to describe an intriguing idea that was as profound, as it was nutty.

… An idea to QUIT!

To throw your hands up, and give up! To quit talking, quit thinking, to even quit WRITING about my problems! …Don’t lie, you just let out a sigh of relief… And if it makes you feel better, I’m just as sick of hearing my sob story as you are! 😉

You see, people all over the world ‘fast’ from things like Facebook, vanilla lattes, or the likes of Salted Caramel Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts, but that night my Dad and I made a decision to fast… from our PROBLEMS!

Even further, we are asking BEGGING God to do a miracle in our lives in the next 30 days! Because boy, do we ever need one!

Every time our trials creep into our minds (which is on average every 23.6 seconds) we will do our best to stop thinking about it and give it to God and ask Him to work a miracle on our behalf…

Every time those closest to us check in and ask how we’re doing, to ask them instead, to lift us up in prayer every time they think to ask…

Every time the panic sets in, and our hearts get restless… when we can’t make sense of this mess and can’t help but question what God is doing… we will throw ourselves at the Lord’s feet each and every time, in hopes that by the end of the month we will see Him more clearly.

In James 1:5-6 it says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God and He will give it to you…”

It’s simple, just ask! And in my case, if you need 5 TRILLION TONS of wisdom ask over and over, every second of every day, for 30 days straight! 😉

It goes on to say, “…but when you ask Him be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver.”

The only requirement to gain the wisdom that we are so desperately searching for, is to trust IN GOD ALONE – Not in our common sense, (which I pride myself in) not in our preferences, our ability to ‘fix’ things, or make good decisions. Not in our closest friends, our parents, or our spouse. In Christ. PERIOD!

In the last couple months I have found this to be true, because while I have an amazing support system in my life (and equally amazing blog readers!) in spite of their undeniable love and support, constant phone calls, great advice and care packages, (Double Stuffed Oreos anyone?!) I am still just as stuck as I was before, and haven’t budged even in the slightest!

While I ultimately desire the life the Lord has for me – and while in the past I have followed Him devotedly – this current journey He has me on, has me traveling uncharted territory, out of my comfort zone, and even more, against my will! I am scared to death, and let’s be honest, if there were a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, I’d play it… Like, yesterday!

So the question is, if I’m up against the wall, with few options and even less hope…

if I’m paralyzed in fear and at the end of my rope…

Than seriously, why am I still trying?

Why not quit?

Why not give it to the one who is far more qualified to get me out of this blunder? The one who doesn’t tremble at the magnitude of the mountain I’m up against? The Lord isn’t surprised by the state of my life, He knew I’d be right here… right now… and that I’d want to puke! Even more, He knows when deliverance will be at my doorstep! (Here’s hoping it’s sooner rather than later!)

Our God is more than capable to do a miracle in 30 days!

… But will He?  That is the question!

One thing is certain, God can do more with our problem in 30 days than we can!

So join me in quitting….

Join me in putting our lofty dreams, big decisions, and looming deadlines on the back burner! To quit keeping ourselves up late into the night and talking ourselves TO DEATH in an attempt at doing this in our own strength! And instead give it to the Lord and ask Him to guide our every step – our every thought – for the next month!

And while I have no idea what is going to happen in the next 30 days – or even worse, what I’ll do if He doesn’t show up! (Don’t be surprised if in a month I post some bogus recipe for homemade laundry detergent or something!)

…I know that if I don’t take this leap of faith today, that at the very worst,  I will be exactly where I started yesterday.

And so I have nothing to lose…

I quit.

Krista Signature








36 thoughts on “I Quit (And Why You Should To!)”

  1. Thanks! I really needed that challenge today. I have been struggling with something off and on for a good two years and every time I try to give it to God, I take it back. I’m going to try your challenge. I don’t know how well I’ll do, but it’s definitely worth a try.


    1. If it makes you feel any better, I fell off the wagon last night. I had been trusting God so well for a week and then like clock work I started thinking… and talking… and ended up trying with all my might to take it back in my own hands. But today is a new day, and I realized that when I am trusting God I am a happier person! When I am trying to do it in my own strength I am angry, and unforgiving, and in a very dark place. So I will keep at it… I will be praying for you Jen! 30 days on the clock! Lets see what He can do!


  2. Similar thoughts ran thru my mind this morning, how tired I am of thinking, talking and UUGHhhh, just focusing so much energy on my current struggle. I thought to myself, I need a break, I’ll just not care for the next few days, I’ll take a vacation from this mess. . . .your message gave my thoughts a new meaning. I quit. . . . I quit, I quit, I quit. Lord, this is no longer my problem. I’m giving it to you. Do what you will, I’m out of suggestions. Finally.


    1. Sylvia, it sounds like you may be my long lost twin! 🙂 I will be praying for you as you learn to quit and let God take the reigns. completely.


  3. Thank you, that is precisely what I needed to hear today. I am just as tired of thinking, analyzing, trying to be superwoman and it´s simply not working at all. I quit too! The Lord will be with us every step of the way.


  4. Well, that settles it. I clearly adore your dad and you are in fact a kindred spirit. I’m completely on board.
    Here’s to 30 days!


  5. Favorite Poem of mine –
    Broken Dreams ~ Anonymous
    As childrem bring their broken toys
    With tears for us to mend
    I brought my broken dreams to God
    Because He was my friend
    But then instead of leaving Him
    In peace to work alone
    I stuck around and tried to help
    With ways that were my own
    At last I snatched them back and cried
    “How could you be so slow?”
    “My child,” He said, “What could I do
    You never sould let go”


      1. I have made a framed copy of it… email me and I would love to send it to you… 🙂 God Bless You!!! Keep writing! It’s good that we are not alone on this journey 🙂


  6. Silly as it sounds, I spent about forty-five minutes this morning being mad at God (rather vocally) after not hearing my alarm and missing a dentist appointment. But it wasn’t so much just the dentist appointment (though I was quite upset about that) but the fact that I’ve felt like He hasn’t been there for me a lot lately, and when I finally shut up after yelling and asking Him why, I got the same answer as usual. Because I won’t give Him control. So, though it’s going to be super difficult to not try to be in control, I’m going to join you and commit to giving Him control for the next 30 days (and hopefully longer!). Thanks as usual for your honest posts. They are always so encouraging and uplifting!


    1. I am glad I am not the only one that gets a little ‘vocal’ with God! 😉 Looking forward to having you on board for our craaaaaazy 30 day challenge, and even more, to hear how God shows up for you! Thanks for reaching out and sharing your story!


  7. Krista, thank you for sharing. I cannot tell you now I needed to see that. I kept opening my email to see of God had sent a new job offer to me, freaking out about settling things my own way. I needed to know that a fellow believer was suffering the same way as I, and that is where our faith unites us all. the world tells you to hide it or take care of it on your own, but our strength is in our weaknesses. praise Jesus! and thank you 🙂


    1. I couldn’t agree more Lauren! It’s so comforting that we aren’t alone in our humanness. Praying right now that God leads you to the perfect job opportunity! Thanks for reaching out!


  8. I noticed this about myself a year ago. I was complaining, and whining, and very vocal about my displeasure of certain things in my life. What I noticed is that it continued the displeasure and the negativity in my life. It’s a weed!

    There’s a reason the Bible tells us to constantly praise Him and to think of all the noble things, because that is what changes our hearts, our thoughts, words, and attitudes. It may feel like a lie at first, but it eventually becomes the truth!

    I’m not perfect as I still have the occasional moment of “ugh” but overall, I’ve found a peace and confidence in God that everything is going to be OK (with the occasional glass of wine…or two). God really does have our backs. And I’d like to think that most of the time He’s laughing at how stupid, ignorant, or blind we are.

    I’m with you. I quit!


    1. Grace, I knew I liked you! 😉 And it sounds like you may have just as much experience as me when it comes to struggling to trust God over the years. But it also sounds like you have learned soooo much about the beauty of handing it over to Him! Thanks for sharing your amazing insight! You are right, God really does have our backs… so let’s just quit.


  9. Dang it girl…I’ve been trying ***desperately*** to live this way. I’m tired of the struggle and the worry and the fear that has taken me captive the last few years. It’s difficult for the “fixer” in me…like for real…impossible. but I am working everyday to release control. I want to trust Him, but let’s be honest…I think often times that I can do a better job running my life…what a joke. I’m with you girl…to the death (tho let’s hope it doesn’t come to that ; )).


    1. hehe. let’s hope! 😉 I know that this is just as difficult for you as it is for me, and I am praying right alongside you my friend. Just TRY quitting with me… and see what happens! hugs!


  10. Goodness yet another blog post I totally needed. I posted a while back that my husband was having a triple bypass heart surgery. The surgery is done and went well. We are home now… Where there are no nurses to help and we are still having lots of sleepless nights dealing with pain. I’m helping lift him out of chairs quite a bit and my poor back has been screaming at me! It was a lot (and still is a lot) to deal with at one time and I have had my share of meltdowns throughout this process. But I’m tired of worrying about our financial situation. I’m tired of all of the worries that come with this type of situation. I need to give this all to God and let Him do what He has already planned for me at this time in my life. This is very hard for me to do, if I’m being honest. I have control issues beyond discussing and think I can fix anything and everything. I really am taking this thirty day challenge with the assurance that I can let all of this go and allow God to change my ways of not wanting to let go. This is not how God intended for me to be. Thank you Krista!


    1. Misty, I am so glad your husband is doing well! I am excited to have you along for my 30 day challenge and even more, to hear how God shows up for you! I will be praying for you this month as you relinquish control to the one who loves you more than you can fathom and has every detail in His hand! Excited to hear your results!


  11. I am joining you in this. God has given me the promise from Psalms “No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly.” If it’s good, He’ll give it to me. I don’t have to make it happen in my own strength. Good thing, because I can’t.


    1. Love that Mary! I am going to write that verse in my house! It’s one that I can easily memorize (and chant back while i rock back and forth in fetal position need be!) 🙂


      1. I’ve been chanting that too. Todays chant, I mean verse, is, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way. Though he falls he will not be cast down, for the Lord upholds him with His hand.”


  12. Oh, Krista… more often than not you read my mind… even as cluttered as its been. I’ve been in a very dark place lately, I’m taking steps to rectify it now… I would like to join you in this challenge… I’m not good at letting go tho. Or quitting, or admitting that I can’t handle it (or anything else for that matter)… so thank you (and your dad!) for this. I’m gonna make an effort to quit.


    1. Catey, THANK YOU for having the courage to reach out. I know how difficult it is to admit that you are in a dark place (I’m there with you!) and how it feels to have a cluttered mind (my thoughts change on a whim) but I can’t tell you hoe excited that you are joining me on this -nutty- challenge! I look forward to hearing how God shows up for you this month and will be praying alongside you! Thanks again for reaching out!


  13. Recently God has stripped me of a lot of things that I usually rely on. And use to get through struggles in my life. And I don’t have those crutches anymore. I only have Him (doesn’t mean I’ve gotten any better at letting go, just mean I literally have no choice.)
    And it is changing my life. I still can’t seem to let go of wanting those crutches to depend on and I fight God for control so I am in!!!
    I’m quitting. There’s no other option!!!
    Thanks for this post, Krista! I love your brain!


    1. giiiiiiirl, I am right there with you. Stripped. completely. There is nothing more frustrating than only having Him, and nothing more liberating. I am SO excited to have you on board! And praying that God will show you new facets of who He is, and what He wants for your life!

      And P.s. I love your brain, your voice… and your hair. Beat you! 😉


  14. Some great stuff here today, Krista! “Let Go and Let God” is most definitely a life truth for me, and I find that I have to make this choice every single day of my life because if I don’t, I quickly revert back to bad habits and thoughts. Good for you and your father for taking the 30 day challenge, and I will pray for you during this time. Quitting is hard! lol 😉 But, God is faithful, sweet one. Rest in His peace.


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